Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Promised Land (Ugly story not meant to be read)

The Promised Land was exactly as promised. But Sir Welshock Bugstree wasn't here to verify any promise. He was here to look for his lost younger brother, Barks Bugstree. The other day Barks had come up to Sir Welshock and requested his ear. Upon Sir Bugstree's opening of the ear, the younger Bugstree made a big clearing of his throat. And the cleared throat then produced some irresistibly annoying sounds in bad rhythm.
The elder Bugstree fell silent after. A silence that added more silence to the lord's original silence. Then keeping the Natural History of the Promised Woods book down, His lordship turned to his sibling and said 'Get lost', in a tone which signified pure contempt. Barks retired from the study with pure confusion.

Later in the day Sir Welshock found a note under his smoking habit. It read: ' Lost. Most probably in the Promised Land. The book goes too. Sorry for that. Love. Yours bowingly, Barks B.