Friday, 29 July 2011

bruised ego

The hypothesis – Somebody is manipulating my life.

Last Saturday my disoriented ego (where one does not know whether to be egoistic or not) received a little setback when I wasn't allowed to sit for the 7 am lecture for being fifteen minutes late. After hurling a few abuses (the ones you normally use to abuse professors) I came back home.

Two days back an old trek-buddy of mine called up to announce that they've (‘they’ is all the other old trek-buddies) decided on a trek for this weekend, starting from Friday night - sort of a reunion. I had to attend this Saturday’s lecture at any cost. The seed for this hypothesis was sown. ‘Why me?’  ‘I can buy a fake medical certificate’  ‘Who the hell keeps a lecture at 7 in the morning?’  ‘Why does it rain so much? ’ ‘Atheist?!’  ‘What is time management?’  ‘What am I saying?’  ‘Why me?’…. These are thoughts that justify my disoriented ego.

To signify the serious nature of this problem I will acquaint you with some facts.
I haven’t trekked with these old friends for quite a time now.
The Harishchandragad fort where the trek is due is a place where Nature manifests its mesmerizing beauty. Trekkers call it their paradise. I have been there many times, poured gallons of sweat onto its earth, got stung by a hundred plus swarm of killer bees, was defeated by a dog in a climbing race, and drank more water than anyone has on a trek.
 Last night, to commemorate the arrival of the Marathi month-‘Shraavan’, I had soup + fried-chicken + chicken-gravy + fried fish + ice-cream in the given sequence. 
 And. The professor had conducted a class test which carried marks, the day I missed the lecture.

So I did not go for the trek. Today morning I woke up sharp at 5 with all the last night’s food flooding up to my esophagus. Somehow overcoming this difficulty I reached college at 6.18 am to be welcomed by a deserted campus, people sleeping on the streets and staring dogs. Yes!! The rains were heavy since last night and as a result the Mumbai trains surely will be running late. I was fantasizing about giving the professor a taste of her own medicine if she showed up late. 6.46 – the evil pig from Angry Birds mwahahahaed to announce an SMS that declared the lecture to be cancelled, for the professor wasn't keeping well. Bang!

The Conclusion – I am distorted.